The Truth about HGH Side effects | How to avoid HGH side effects?

Dismissing Popular Growth Hormone Preconceptions

You may have heard information surrounding Human Growth Hormone (HGH) over the years that say injections of it will deform your jaw and eyebrows, develop heart defects, and lead to cancer.

Many of these side effects are associated with higher doses of hgh injections and according to some medical experts like Dr. John Crissler, this well might be Big Pharma’s way of keeping people from an affordable, single treatment while it tries to sell you a variety of expensive medication.

Corporate pharmaceutical companies would rather you buy their diverse amounts of drugs for cholesterol, osteoporosis, erectile dysfunction, etc. The fact is, though, that these drugs sometimes have quite deadly side effects.

There is also an issue of how endocrinologists present HGH these days. These are experts who specialize in hormonal systems, yet purposely alter the public’s perception of HGH by creating fear over its use. Many endocrinologists are supported by pharmaceutical companies, and thus choose to pick the mainstream route in recommending treatments.

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Also, the specialists might be uneducated about HGH, and also don’t have access to the research done to prove the various advantages that it provides. Even wikipedia might have some misinformation.

Therefore, though these are professionals, endocrinologists often get swayed by Big Pharma’s rumors. Even in medical school, these experts are told about the dangers of HGH and what they should tell those who ask about its usage.

For the three years of certification training and the next few years of fellowship training, endocrinologists are continuously told and taught how to actively deny HGH treatment methods. It’s no wonder that in the end of their strenuous schooling, they feel no less than completely confident of how HGH treatment should not be considered.

This also causes them to deny other medical professionals’ recommendations for this alternative treatment, as they feel they are the only experts who can accurately assess the correct treatment methods.

However, there is an increasing consensus in the medical community regarding the various benefits of HGH which can be safely achieved without side effects, eg. enhanced recovery from injuries , application in sports etc.

What are the Actual Side Effects of HGH therapy?

Even though the side effects aren’t as extreme as the opposition says they are, HGH injections do have some risks involved. However, these side effects are usually products of extreme dosages and inexperienced physicians.

Always consult a doctor about the side effects before you take any HGH supplements or injections.

On top of the overdoses associated with it, it’s possibly that you may be allergic to certain ingredients within the medication. If you don’t consult a doctor beforehand; you may feel reactions like tightness in the throat, tightness or pain in the chest, rashes or hives, or swelling and itching. If you do happen to experience these allergic reactions, it’s important that you call your physician or emergency services as soon as possible.

Keep in mind that “natural growth hormone releasers” like Genf20 Plus and HyperGH 14X can be used instead of direct injections to prevent all these side effects from happening in the first place.

The Top Myths regarding negative effects of HGH

Myth 1

HGH injections will lead to cancer, which will in turn truly cut our lifespan short.



Some scientific studies showed that IGF-1 and HGH stimulated lymphoma and caused leukemia cells to divide quickly.

Very large doses of growth hormone does seem to stimulate cancer cells in animals, especially causing tumors in rats that have bladder cancer already. In the human body, however, patients who had incompetent pituitary glands took hormone replacement therapy, yet showed no increase in cancer production. However, those with acromegaly did show a higher risk for it.

The conclusion is that HGH injections in mature adults will not increase cancer symptoms, as long as only the prescribed dosage is applied.

This is why consulting an expert anti-aging professional is so important. These experts will not prescribe dangerously high doses of HGH to a person if they feel as though the risk of cancer will rise.

Another way people avoid these side effects all together is to use natural releasers and nutrients to prevent aging and stimulate natural growth hormones.

Studies also show that growth hormone (GH) treatments did not stimulate extra tumor growth in children with GH deficiency when used for cancers like leukemia or brain tumors.

Myth 2

HGH will lead to acromegaly (uneven bone growth) in your hands, feet, forehead, and jaw. Not only will this make you physically look uneven, but you can get severe heart problems as it enlarges.

Fact 2

Acromegaly is definitely not a growth hormone side effect. It will only happen if you use the hormone in excess and abuse it. There aren’t specific studies on it, but it’s known that deaths from HGH in athletes and bodybuilders is due to overuse of it. This overdose can be evident by larger nose growth and protruding foreheads.

HGH actually increases bone size between .5 to 1.5 percent annually. This protects the patient from large osteoporosis breaks. After six months, people with rheumatoid arthritis can go into full remission with the use of HGH treatment. It shows promise in juvenile RA too.

HGH treatment has also been known to help children categorized as dwarfs to grow in height. The child will not grow to a standard, full-fledged height; but will definitely grow a bit more. The dosage of HGH treatment for mature adults are merely 14% of that given to these children.

Myth 3

Growth hormone is the same as steroids.

Fact 3

GH does have similar effects of it, but it is most definitely not an anabolic steroid.

Steroids are manufactured completely artificially, and are like chemically altered versions of your hormones to become similar to the male sex hormones (primarily testosterone which has applications in bodybuilding and sexual health).

Most steroids used by bodybuilders are synthetically altered version of Testosterone. Testosterone, itself is also natural like HGH.

HGH, however, is naturally produced by your pituitary gland. It is actually an essential hormone in childhood development and lifelong body structure.


GH and anabolic steroids do have similar effects on your body. They both increase your lean muscle mass while lowering your fat.

It’s no wonder why athletes choose to use GH and anabolic steroids to get on a higher level than their competition.

The problem with anabolic steroids is that most competitions test for it. Therefore, more and more athletes began to use GH, seeing as it produces similar results while being undetectable.

Since blood testing isn’t allowed in some competitions and GH isn’t detectable in urine, it makes this hormone the perfect answer for highly competitive athletes.

GH for younger athletes and bodybuilders who already have regular GH levels is not recommended. In fact, it’s considered abusive, dangerous, and completely unethical.

What’s more is that using more GH when you already have a normal amount in your body might be ineffective.

Other issues

HGH can sometimes cause carpal tunnel syndrome or edema. These problems are usually due to water retention problems with the growth hormone.

The issue will manifest if your doctor over-prescribes the dosage. Dr. Rudman was one researcher who found that these side effects would occur when the dosage was raised several times.

Maxine Papadakis, along with other associates from UC San Francisco, performed a double-blind study to confirm Dr. Rudman’s findings. Papadakis and associates found the similar side effects, which includes joint pain and edema.

Two of the GH recipients developed slightly tender breasts, yet no gynecomastia. Papadakis did not, however, find evidence of carpal tunnel.

In the end, all the side effects were gone as soon as the dosage was decreased 25 to 50 percent from the over-used amount.

It’s important to note that some groups didn’t experience any side effects at all, while others reported 5 to 70 percent of incidences.

This means that hgh injection dosages should be tailored to the individual, and should not be a standard amount for all.

Doctors should treat you by starting with a low dosage, then raising it in small doses until results are reached. Your body will also require some time to get used to the extra hormones.

Methods of Avoiding Side Effects from HGH Injections Therapy Treatment

HGH injections are the most efficient method of increasing your body’s growth hormone levels, but there are some side effects involved. A proper anti-aging method has to be accompanied with amino acids, making the entire formula enhance the body’s metabolism. This allows for the cells in the body to function as best they can.

The most common side effects of HGH treatment can be avoided if you follow the four pieces of advice listed below.

Find an expert who can handle this treatment, and he or she will give you sound advice and provide frequent follow-ups. The following methods are based on information of several patients that have used HGH injections for hormone replacement therapy.

1) Follow Dr. Chein’s dosage patterns.

Lower doses of HGH injections on a regular basis proves more effective than less frequent, large, impactful dosages. You will want to start with very low amounts and gradually increase it to avoid the side effects.

Dr. Chein recommends the low-dose and high-frequency method. In the book “Grow young with HGH”, it is reported that He administers between 4-8 IU every week to over 90 percent of his patients. Usually, this amount is separated into two shots. The first shot is administered before sleeping to stimulate the GH, then also in the morning. Dr. Chein recommends that this pattern is followed for six days, then nothing for the seventh.

This method is effective in allowing your body to continue to produce your natural growth hormones. Therefore, the most units that are administered per week are 12. Through this method, Dr. Chein and Cass Terry found that there were no side effects among the 800 patients they examined.

2) Maintain proper IGF-1 amounts.

People between ages 30 and 40 are given normal levels of IGF-1. Those in Dr. Chein’s study were given high 200 or low 300 units of IGF-1, and the results were fantastic. Chein’s patients felt more energy, strength, endurance, lean muscle mass, and just a much better feeling overall.

Keeping the IGF-1 from reaching extreme levels is an important way to make sure the GH amounts are being replaced in the body effectively. An excess amount for this age group, meaning over 350, might cause problems.

3) Replace all the GH that aging has depleted in the most balanced manner.

The growth hormone is most effective when it works together with the DHEA, reproductive hormones, and melatonin.

As you age, these harmonious levels can drop and become uneven. Dr. Chein states that maintaining this equal balance is essential in keeping yourself healthy from disease and old age. For example, DHEA might be combined with testosterone or melatonin for men over fifty. The mixture of these hormones may reduce one’s risk of cancer, as well as provide other health benefits.

If taking an HGH supplement, make sure you take a multi-ingredient product that works via several mechanisms and targets as much of these anti aging hormones.

4) Natural GH releasers may also have negative effects.

In most cases, a natural growth hormone releaser should not have any negative side effects. However, there may be a unique case of a person having a bad reaction to the releaser when consuming a specific substance – it could be as simple as wheat or nuts. Since these unique situations depend on the individual, it’s important that you first consult with a doctor when seeking help from GH releasers.

Lastly, the best approach to avoid the side effects completely, would be to take a clinically proven natural supplement that contains the 7 ingredients responsible for optimum HGH release in the body, instead of HGH injections.

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