When buying injectable steroids for sale it is important to make sure that you buy the right goods that will give you the expected results. Your eagerness to find a contact (or source) through which you can receive steroids will just be the thing that gets you in trouble and getting scammed.
However if you can find a qualified doctor and get his advice about usage it will be ideal and hassle-free. Buying through doctors will cost you a big amount as the price will be increased due to the Big Pharma brands being expensive all throughout.
For example, when the HGH products were freely available for everyone to purchase, the Chinese brands sold them at around 3$ per IU. However this significantly reduced the profits of Big Pharma. The cheap but good quality brands quickly became popular in the market and The Chinese manufacturers were gradually able to win the trust of Western doctors and this led to the doctors prescribing Chinese brands to their patients.
It took some media exposure, celebrity scandals and big pharma lobbying to finally illegalize the “black market” HGH coming from abroad.
Nowadays trying to buy real growth hormone online can be mission impossible unless you are lucky enough to know a reputable source (in which case you would not be here reading this). There is an endless number of horror stories on the internet of people reporting anything from getting outright scammed, getting their shipment seized, getting a nasty immune reaction after injecting what they thought was real HGH, etc.
The obvious question you would be facing is how to find a reliable source to receive legal steroids or HGH products from. This can be resolved by following the steps mentioned below with careful precision.
- Always contact someone who is already receiving steroids from a reliable source. If you can make contacts through your local gym and befriend someone who can get you through to the suppliers, it will have less hassle and risk.
- If you have good negotiating skills you can get the products straightaway from the Chinese manufacturers. However avoiding the tricky ones and the scammers will be a challenge if this resolution is used.
- Buying online is the most common method used by many of us nowadays. It requires a lot of scrutinizing as there can be so many scammers online as well. If you can maintain your anonymity, you have no problem of entering this venture and collecting stuff for yourself.
Natural steroid alternatives
“Are steroid precursors or natural steroid supplements really as good as real steroids?” is a commonly asked question nowadays. The answer is positive because of certain facts that make it so.
Many of the products on the legal market today were categorized with anabolic steroids before the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA).
After this law was passed by the congress, pro-hormones were clearly separately identified from anabolic steroids. It is important to know that pro-hormones are closely related to anabolic steroids. Once they are in the human body they act as direct precursors that actually converts them directly into active steroid hormones once they are inside your system.
Apart from that the DSHEA managed to free up various other dietary supplements as well. However pre-hormones have been made legal today after confirming that their active ingredients are found in meat and plants that we already consume.
There are many types of pro-hormones just like synthetic anabolic steroids. Some pro-hormones may even be more active than the others. These pro-hormones are mostly goal specific just like the steroids they convert to which means that they will serve the purpose you consume them for; some for cutting up and some for bulking up.
When speaking of illegal anabolic steroids, one can not forget Dianabol which is one of the major anabolic steroids. That itself is proof that any professional bodybuilder would choose to take some serious dose of illegal anabolic steroids before getting on stage.
However we can see the steroid alternatives market is making some serious progress by the day. DHEA to Androstene and Nor-androstene to the new boldenone precursor, they have made a huge progress and they do work. Combining them with the new developments in delivery mechanisms and making them more bio-available easily does the trick!
Apart from there being scientific tests to back them up, there are so many customer feedback each month with many positive responses from satisfied customers. These prove that the pro-hormone market is certainly on fire! However the next question is whether it will last and if so, for how long?
Most of you out there tend to think that illegal steroids are the best option to use but you must pay attention to alternatives as well.
For example check out these legal OTC alternatives have been put in this site.
If used in the correct and recommended way, these alternatives will give you the exact results that you need and expect from the best products in the market. Hence you must definitely try them out and see for yourselves the positive results.
Now to profile some common alternatives:
The chart below is a general explanation of how testosterone is produced in your body.
Steroid Hormone Flow Chart
This chart shows how testosterone is naturally produced in your body. Cholesterol is at the top of the chart and there might be confusions regarding this. It does not mean that the more cholesterol there is in the system, the more testosterone there will be. Cholesterol has various other purposes in the human body and hence there is no relationship between cholesterol and testosterone.
However low cholesterol could mean there is less testosterone production.
DHEA: The “grandfather” of all pro-hormones, DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) was one of the first to be marketed as a steroid alternative in 1994 after the Dietary Supplement and Health Education Act (DSHEA) was passed.
The body naturally converts DHEA to testosterone through a series of chemical reactions. High doses (l000mg+Iday) are needed to see any positive effects. Though its still sold today, its likely that their sales are comparatively low due to many new alternatives being in the market now.
We recommend this HGH precursor for bodybuilding as it also contains DHEA.
Using Steroids and Supplements Together?
This could be recommended due to their ability to create a better impact on your body. Using supplements like creatine, Multi Vitamins, Glutamine, ECA stacks, etc… will be the ideal method to optimize your cycle. And you do want to optimize your cycle! Anabolic Steroid supplementation carries way too much risk and cost to be wasting your time and money on them without doing it right.
The best HGH supplements are those that work on the 7 mechanisms to produce more HGH in the body naturally.
Lets discuss if there are any natural alternatives to HGH injections as well.
Its commonly known that bodybuilders have experienced many positive results by using HGH products. The ability of the HGH hormonal products to increase the muscle mass and eliminate the fat at the same time is an ideal solution to all who are focused on fitness training and bodybuilding.
While it tones your body, it also maintains the insulin levels of the body and protein synthesis while enhancing amino acid transport. Hence it is obvious that bodybuilders should speak highly of HGH products.
However there is a growing increase in the black market operations in the HGH product market. This has created a risk of buying fake products that might end up harming your immune system and body in whole. Hence there are legal restrictions imposed on the usage of these products.
Hence for your own safety and as a precautionary measure, make sure to check twice if the products are real and if they have a guarantee not to harm any system in your body.
Apart from those mentioned, there are additional things to focus on.
It is important to know that HGH will not give results instantly or with 100% effect. It will need to blend in with your body’s system and most of the time will give 15% of benefit to you.
If the hormone acts well in your system, it shows that you will have luck with HGH products and will benefit properly from using them.
There is a high tendency to compare Testosterone and HGH products as both of them give out similar benefits and serve similar purposes.
Testosterone will sometimes have longer lasting effects. HGH on the other hand has a different mechanism but sometimes will create bloating if dosed wrong. Hence the two must not compared as they have different mechanisms.
Cycling is another area that you need to pay attention to.
Real HGH injections are very expansive. If you’re getting them cheap, you are not getting them real. It has a half-life of about 15 to 20 minutes and thus can be considered as the most expansive product to impact your fitness training routine.
Hence, even though I personally do not find injecting HGH attractive, it is acceptable how people would prefer it. Lets look at how other methods can be used to enhance it.
An example is the mechanism used by HGH to build muscle and create bulk. HGH is able to provide these benefits by converting into the IGF-1 in the liver. However if you want to get IGF-1 from natural means, the “deer antler velvet” is ideal.
Amino acids play another important role in enhancing the body’s own HGH. Hence they will work on increasing the flow of HGH. Otc supplements like CDP-choline etc. and some acetylcholinesterase inhibitors that suppress somatostatin, are also there. These enzymes tell the body to stop producing HGH.
With my experience I can say that the bodybuilding alternatives like HyperGH 14x operate quite close to HGH injections and give ideal results without any hassle or side effects. Also, there are completely natural and safe steroids which are legal as well which can help you gain more muscle and cut more fat. I am referring to legal Dianabol, legal Anavar and all those famous steroids.