Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide review | Is it the best bikini fitness workout program?

Editor’s note:- Overall, we like Kayla Itsines Bikini Body guide, but we recommend Jen Ferrugia’s Bikini Body Workouts over this program, for the latter is more comprehensive and provides more value for money.

The following is a user review on Kayla Itsines Bikini Body guide:-

Personally, my weight is something that I have always struggled with, especially after I turned 30. Now that I’m 33, I’ve found it super hard to maintain that healthy lifestyle that I know I should be living. To make matters worse, after my second child, I packed on a lot of weight, and unfortunately, I’ve been so busy, so it’s not something that I have actually noticed. I stopped taking care of myself, lost focus and really let myself go – you know how the story goes.

All of that is why I decided to look for special ways to lose weight. What I needed was a good weight loss plan that I could follow – I needed one that really worked, so I put a lot of research into finding only the best weight loss programs available.

On instagram, I came across a Kayla Itsines review, and then I stumbled across some interesting articles about her story and how she got famous on Instagram due to her workouts.

My main goal here would be to look good in a bikini, and after reading the Bikini Body Guide, I began to get really excited. Point blank, I have always dreamed of having a bikini body.

Right then and there, I was ready to roll out and buy Kayla Itsines Guides, until I noticed the price tag stamped on it. After calculating it all up, I was shocked to find out how expensive it would be.

In the end, I ended up going with Jen Ferrugia’s Bikini Body Workouts because they were much more affordable than what Kayla Itsines was offering. I made sure I fully committed to the program and by following Jen’s plan was my goal – I went with something that created amazing results for me, not for celebrities.

Why would I want to spend more money on a program than I actually have to? By going to Jen’s programs as opposed to Kayla Itsines, I was actually able to save a big chunk of change.

Did I get the results I expected? Yes, I got amazing results.

I really like how Jen Ferrugia made sure to keep her prices where it was more affordable to every day people like me. What I like the most about her workout program would be the fact that you aren’t required to go out there and buy expensive equipment. In fact, you don’t need a whole lot of gym equipment.

Yes, when it comes to Kayla Itsines and Jen Ferrugia, both have similar workout programs, but the price is a huge difference.

In the past, I had a hard time staying on track with a workout program – after a week or two, I would drop out. However, with Jen’s program, I stayed consistent and stuck to it, because she made everything seem so much easier.

The cost of Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide

For a minute, I would like to cover the cost of Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide so that you can see exactly what I’m going on about.

Here’s the total cost of the guide (BBG Program) and the cost for everything you will need to follow it:

  • Bikini Body Help – $53.60
  • Bikini Body Workouts – $53.60
  • Bikini Body Guide 2.0 – $53.60
  • Recipe Guide – $15.30
  • Bikini Body – $11.47
  • Another Guide – $76.58

Then, on top of all of the above, you will be required to purchase additional gym equipment so that you can do the workouts she gives.

You see, all of that right there is what I do not like …once you complete the 12-week workout plan in the Bikini Body Workouts Guide, you will have to go to the next level, which will require you to purchase another guide – the next level is 13 to 24 weeks. It is a guide that is 199 pages long, but it costs an extra $69.97 …that’s just way too expensive.

Jen Ferrugia Bikini Workout Guides are much more affordable and that is why I highly recommend them.

On top of all of that, you’ll need to go out and purchase gym equipment so that you can follow along with Itsines workout program. To be exact, you will need to purchase a mat, two bench/steps, a medicine ball (between 6-12kgs), two small dumbbell weights (3-5kgs each), a bosu ball and a skipping rope.

In her program, she also recommend people buying a heart rate monitor/fitness tracker and that right there will cost a little over $70.00 depending on the type you buy. As you can see, all of that equipment, paired with the actual program will really add up if you’re not careful.

You could always just go to the gym and use their equipment, but personally, I was under the impression that the Bikini Body Guide was designed so that you could do it all at home …am I right?

Here’s something else for you to think about – you will also need some room in your home to workout. So, what do you do if you don’t have all that much space? You need all of this equipment, which is going to take up a whole lot of room.

The Nutrition Guide – I have read a lot about this guide and that’s one thing that shocked me the most. After I read many people’s reviews, everyone seems to have a similar opinion on it.

  1. The food is expensive
  2. Cravings were terrible
  3. The low calorie diet she promotes isn’t good for you
  4. The nutritional guide should be included for free


Okay, so you can sit there and call me cheap all you want, but this is my opinion and this is my bikini guide/Kayla Itsines review. I really do not think that guide is worth it, especially when there’s a less expensive bikini guide available that is equally effective and from a reputed trainer.

Simple due to the fact that I do not like the additional costs involved with Itsines Bikini Program, I would have to say Jen’s workout program is so much better.